bra , bättre,bäst --
- The kooks: inside in ,inside out
- Jazon mras: MR. A-Z, Waiting for my rocket to come, selection for friends
- Upp til kamp: filmmusik
- Paolo Nutini: These streets
- The KIllers: Sam's town , Hott fuss, sawdust
- Michel Bluble: Call me irresponsible
- Jimi hendrix : Experience
- Panic at the disco : A fever you cant sweet out
- Håkan hellström: Ett kolibars bekännelser, nått gammalt , nått nytt ,.... , Luften bor i mina st
- lars winnerbäck : Daugava
- Artic monkeys: Favourite worst nightmare, Whatever people say I am...
- Mando Diao: Hurricane bar, Bring 'em in , Ode to ochrasy, Never seen the light of day
- Ramones: Ramones , Greates hits
- The Pogues : Ultimate collection 1984-91
- Kent: Tillbaka till samtiden, Du och jag döden